In the light of Spiritism, fluidotherapy should be taken very seriously indeed. At last, Fluids and Passes presents a complete guide on giving and receiving magnetic and spiritual passes (commonly referred to in English as “healing”). Covering a multitude of topics researched in great detail, and offering you valuable, practical advice, including illustrations, this book brings a new awareness and safety to this millennial practice, with clarity and authority and backed by extensive experience, as presented by a consummate master in the field
Therapies of love
Message for those who suffer
Universal cosmic fluid and spiritual fluids
Perispiritual fluids – aura
Spirits’ action upon fluids
Vital fluid or principle
Magnetism versus Spiritism
[Supplement] Magnetism through time
Health and disease in the light of Spiritism
Healing through fluidic action
[Supplement] In matters of health
Spiritist stance on spiritual cures
[Supplement] Scientific requirements for evidence of spiritual healing
Care of the infirm at Spiritist Centers
Radiations or vibrations
“Fluidified” water
Visiting the infirm
[Supplement] Important recommendations to visiting group members
The pass
The pass-giver
Who should be given passes
Preparing to give passes
The pass procedure beginning
The pass procedure progress
The pass procedure completion
Types of passes
Passes given inside and outside the Spiritist Center
[Supplement 1] Recommendations to those who will be given the pass
[Supplement 2] Further recommendations to those about to receive passes
[Supplement] In the moment of the pass
About the author
On account of her experience, knowledge, active commitment and loyalty to Spiritist philosophy and science, Therezinha Oliveira’s contribution has remained invaluable to Spiritism worldwide. With over 50 years of uninterrupted activities in the Spiritist movement, she was also a brilliant speaker who gave more than two thousand lectures all over Brazil and also in the US and the UK. As a writer, her several published titles have already surpassed the mark of 700 thousand printed copies, comprising 300 thousand books and 400 thousand booklets in Brazil, the US and other countries.
Detalhes do produto
- Editora : Editora Allan Kardec (6 setembro 2016)
- Idioma : Inglês
- Tamanho do arquivo : 1658 KB
- Leitura de texto : Habilitado
- Leitor de tela : Compatível
- Configuração de fonte : Habilitado
- X-Ray : Não habilitado
- Dicas de vocabulário : Habilitado
- Número de páginas : 151 páginas