Based on a true story, this channeled book recounts in vivid detail the vicious actions taken by a phalanx of spirit obsessors against the incarnate workers and regular attendants of a Spiritist Center, while spirit benefactors come to the rescue but let the attacks proceed for a while, until…
“In a strange city on the inferior spiritual plane, spirit obsessors were flocking up with most wicked intentions.
Gathered in a somber square, they were making plans for the persecution and destruction of a respectable Spiritist institution. Newly disincarnated entities wandered, as lunatics, through that strange region, semi-enslaved as they were by evil minds that turned them into a veritable human material of unbalance. These wretched spirits remained next to the obsessors for owing intense spiritual debts to those latter, who devoted themselves to the practice of evil.
The bizarre city’s psychosphere was dense, sad, distressing and depressing; the result of the thoughts of its inhabitants.
Julius Caesar, as chief, from the center of the gathered spirit obsessors who walked about the rock garden, urged them with the following arguments:
‘Onward, comrades, for work awaits us!'”
Detalhes do produto
- ASIN : B00N581O18
- Editora : Editora Allan Kardec; 1ª edição (28 agosto 2014)
- Idioma : Inglês
- Tamanho do arquivo : 1395 KB
- Leitura de texto : Habilitado
- Leitor de tela : Compatível
- Configuração de fonte : Habilitado
- X-Ray : Não habilitado
- Dicas de vocabulário : Habilitado
- Número de páginas : 141 páginas